We take great care with the shipping of your order to ensure that it arrives in optimal condition. To protect the quality of your cookies, we use environmentally friendly, heat-reflective boxes to prevent the products from getting too hot during transit.
Orders will not be dispatched when the weather reaches extreme temperatures (e.g., above 30°C) to ensure that the product is not compromised on reaching its destination. In such cases, we will contact you to inform you of the expected dispatch date.
Vanillo takes no responsibility for melted or compromised products in remote destinations, but we take all reasonable measures to ensure that this does not occur.
Please order carefully as we cannot exchange or refund goods due to the perishable nature of the product.
We can only cancel and refund your order if it has not yet been shipped. Once your order has left our premises, we can no longer process a refund. Please refer to our shipping information for details on dispatch times, as the majority of our orders are shipped the same day they are received.
If you wish to cancel an order, please contact us on 07555389346 within one hour of placing your order, or as soon as possible.
Prices of goods, services, delivery, and other charges displayed on the vanillo.co.uk website are current at the time of display and are subject to change without notice. We will always attempt to provide accurate product descriptions and pricing; however, we cannot guarantee that product descriptions or other content on the website are error-free, complete, or up-to-date.
Some products on vanillo.co.uk may not be immediately available for dispatch due to circumstances beyond our control. If this occurs, we will notify you of any delays as soon as possible after your order is placed.
We reserve the right to cancel orders, edit content, or remove items from our website at our discretion. We will not be held liable for any loss or damage resulting from the exercise of these rights.
If your order arrives in an unacceptable condition, please contact our customer service team on ukvanillo@gmail.com immediately. We will, at our discretion, arrange either a refund or a replacement. Please be aware that we use Royal Mail to ensure that our products reach you quickly and in good condition to prevent damage or spoilage.
We cannot be held responsible for orders that are not collected from the post office in a timely manner. Claims for damaged goods must be reported within 48 hours of receiving the order to be eligible for a refund or replacement.
Vanillo uses Stripe as our payment gateway provider to ensure your payment details are processed securely. We do not store your credit card details in our database. They are securely stored with Stripe, which complies with industry standards for payment security.
Temperature-Related Shipping Delays: As noted in our Delivery Method section, orders may not be dispatched during extreme weather conditions to ensure product quality. We will notify you if your order is affected by weather-related delays.
Order Cancellation and Refund Process: For cancellations and refunds, please act as soon as possible, particularly if your order has not been dispatched. Once shipped, we are unable to process any refunds or cancellations.